ConveyOne Platform for Channel Sellers

Website, CRM, and Email Marketing in One Platform

Replace your current website with a new, modern look or link from your website

Receive a continuous feed of articles and updated industry content

Use the built-in CRM to organize customers and prospects

Deliver targeted email marketing campaigns or newsletters

Allow member access to an online resource center with private content, specials, or webinars

Organize webinars and use your Zoom, Teams, or BlueJeans licenses to deliver them inside of ConveyOne

Designed for Channel Partners

Select from one of our modern designs and we'll add your branding and information to have you up and running in no time.

The All-in-One Marketing Platform

A Professional Website

Replace your existing website with a site designed for channel sellers, VARs or managed services organizations

Select from a design template, use it as is or customize it.

We'll add your logo, colors, and information

Add a continuous content feed of industry insights and articles.

Hosted on AWS, secure, and mobile-friendly

Custom Themes

Pick a theme designed for  channel organizations and brand with your logo, colors, and information.

Content Curation

Connect your website to the digital library for a constant feed of industry insights and articles.

Calls to Action

Drive viewers to fill out forms, register for webinars, view content or ask to get in touch.

DIY Tools

Update your website without any coding or technical skills needed or let us keep it updated.


Invite customers and prospects to join your site to access members' only content and specials.

Mobile Responsive

Responsive design makes your site viewable on wide screens, laptops, and smartphones.

Hosting & URL

Keep your existing URL or use a custom subdomain.  Your site is secured on AWS and monitored continuously.

Tracking & Reports

Reports track every action a logged in member takes. Embed lead or tracking tools to analyze views.

Robust Resource Center

A continuous feed of industry content keeps your site updated and relevant.

✓ Content is organized into easy to view directories.

✓ The digital library delivers a continuous  feed of industry insights and articles.

✓ Easy to use tools to add your own content.

✓ Track and monitor content engagement.

Automated Content Feed

Your site is connected to a digital asset library to keep updated content flowing.

Select Categories

Choose content topics ranging from industry insights to security or connectivity solutions.

Preapprove Content

Have full control over content before it displays by turning on an approval process.

Members Only 

Designate content as "members only" so only individuals that log in to your site can view it.

Add Content

The easy-to-use content editor lets you add content  including uploaded files, videos, and more.


Set content to display or disappear based on a schedule you set.

Sharing Tools

Enable content sharing on social media, via email or by downloading content files.

Tracking & Reports

Reports track how logged in members view or share content.

Easy to Use CRM

Keep track of your customers and prospects in the built-in CRM.

✓ Add unlimited contact records.

✓ The CRM comes customized and set up.

✓ Easy to add additional fields

✓ Take notes and assign action items.

✓ Access and download reports to view CRM data.

Unlimited Records

No need to keep track of the number of records you have. There is no limit or expiration date.

Custom Database

Your database is set up with standard fields, but it is easy to add more and organize them into sections.

Notes & Action Items

Use the notes section to add notes to any record and assign reminders or action items to yourself or others.

Member Records

Use the built-in sign-up process for individuals to become members of your site and be added o your CRM.

Member Types

Segment members into types (i.e., customers, prospects) to give them a custom viewing experience or send them targeted emails.

Contacts/ Prospects

Add or upload lists of contacts and prospects for marketing outreach.

Upload Files

Upload files to member records for individuals to download forms, commission statements or more.

Tracking & Reports

Standard and custom reports allow you to view reports on the site or export into a .csv or Excel file.

Activate the Marketing Hub

Send custom emails or newsletters. Share content on social media or add a Twitter wall.

✓ Outreach to an unlimited number of contacts

✓ Send custom emails or newsletters

✓ Track delivery and opens in email reports

✓ Use social sharing to post links to content.

Unlimited Emails

No need to keep track of the number of emails you send or contacts that receive them.

Email Contacts

Add customers and prospects to the built-in CRM system to organize them for email outreach.

Custom Emails

Use the email editor to set up sections and add text or graphics to create high-quality custom emails.


Deliver newsletters to send individuals back to your site to explore content or take a call to action. Automate delivery on a regular schedule.

CAN/SPAM Compliant

Recipients of emails from your site can opt out at any time and the technology ensures you are CAN/SPAM compliant.

Segment Delivery

Customize the individuals that receive your emails with filters and fields from your CRM records.

Social Media

Share any content post on social media and add a Twitter wall to automatically pull in a Twitter feed.

Email Reports

Reports automatically track email deliveries, bounces, opens, unique opens, clicks, and opt outs.

Launch Webinars

Automate webinar and meeting setup and delivery right from your site.

✓ Bring your Zoom, Teams, BlueJeans licenses to conduct webinars

✓ Turn on registration and send email reminders

✓ Access webinars from inside your ConveyOne platform.

✓ View reports of who looked at your webinar, registered or attended.


Use the built-in Teams, Zoom or BlueJeans integration to automate setting up and delivering webinars or add custom meeting links

Easy to Setup

Use the wizard to create the webinars, turn on registration, and add email reminders.

Automate Sign Up

Site members can register for a webinar and add it to their business calendar.

Email Reminders

Add email reminders to ensure that individuals who register remember to attend.

On-Demand Content

Record your webinar and upload the MP4 file to ConveyOne for video on demand.

In Person Events

Create in-person events and use registration for sign up, location information and reminders.


Highlight upcoming webinars in a directory for people to explore and sign up.

Tracking & Reports

Track members that viewed the webinar, registered, and if they viewed a reminder email. Zoom or BlueJeans add attendance to ConveyOne.


Encourage individuals to become members to get updates and access to members-only content and specials.

✓ Access to private areas and content.

✓ Automated signup and onboarding.

✓ Segment members into types.

✓ Track all member activity on the site.

Unlimited Site Members

No need to keep track of the number of members you have on the site.

Automated Sign Up

The member application automates sign up and onboarding. The contact record is automatically added to your CRM.

Segment Members

Add member types to segment your audience for a custom content view or segmented email outreach.

Custom Dashboards

Members have a dashboard to manage their data, preferences, access member features, and get quick links to other parts of your site.

Member Features

Members can bookmark content, sign up for webinars, get email reminders, and  connect to each other through optional member directories.

Member Groups

Turn on member groups to allow a group administrator to add others in the organization as site members.

Deliver Content

Upload files like commissions and marketing materials directly to member dashboards.

Tracking & Reports

Reports  track all member activity including logins, content views, activity inside of site segments, and more.